Sunday, 20 June 2010

What happened to the role model Beyonce?
The majority of girls my age look to Beyonce as an idol and role model for her previous public image - however recently like many others I am beginning to lose the faith. So fine Beyonce now smokes and portrays herself as the perfect housewife in her new music video (hence the link) and asks 'why don't you love me?' whilst she does the ironing or slaps her bum drinking a cocktail, obviously I get how this is a pleaser to all the guys out there who practically infatuate over her, however I have always respected her for hiding her private life and being in the limelight for good reasons, since video phone with lady gaga, she's gone down in my books. Don't get me wrong I love lady gaga so much and find her a style icon, however I expect all the crazy and bad stuff that comes with her as this is how she franchised herself from the start! Beyonce seems to be trying so hard to be different now it has backfired, in telephone she gives off the complete wrong message - acting all 'badman' with her mass homicide, yet in the un-cut version she doesn't even pluck up the courage to swear, a bit of a contrast eh? Now I know morals are a thing of fairy-tales that you take away and learn from as a child, but I still believe that someone as idolized as Beyonce should still have some good messages to take away! I don't know why I was so shocked at her new music video its not even that unusual, however my plea for this to just be a phase is massive!! If this is the new Beyonce I don't like her! So many teenagers look to her in absolute awe and admiration, like me I have found that some people are beginning to (even) get upset by her changes!! Change isn't always a good thing!


  1. I totally aggree with you, she is really losing her touch!

  2. i think its just her trying to find a new market, the video is actually a spin off/ parody of the old shows like i love lucy but shes trying to portray what lots of girls do when the boy the love dosent recipricte the feelings, gets upset and drunk and all crazy, as she said in an interview it isnt her. she still is a role model but everyone likes to get abit sexy sometimes!
