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Kensington Palace's Enchanted Palace
When I found out Kensington Palace - one of London's most beautiful landmarks was doing an enchanted palace theme, I was pretty damn exited, and when a venue like that features my favourite designer Vivienne Westwood I am definitely going to go. The stories of Kensington's princesses are being told with an array of fashion, music and performances. The reason this is happening is due to the £12,000,000 renovation of Kensington Palace. The way the experience is planned is playing on the senses, e.g. sounds and visuals - using music and fashion to tell the story of the seven princesses of London. Here's a link to a video of the designers speaking of the stories of Kensington.
your lack of opinion and bland advertisement style writing should not be under a blog title anywhere to do with fashion. you give the entire industry a disgustingly rich-bitch aura